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Blog Tag Archives: whole house fan

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  1. Benefits of a Whole House Fan

    Energy efficiency Whole house fans use significantly less energy than air conditioning systems, making them a cost-effective option for cooling your home. Improved indoor air quality The quality of the air in your home dramatically affects your health. Another benefit of a whole house fan is that it can be used to ventilate the home,Read the Rest →

  2. Whole House Fans Are Ideal When Cross-Ventilation Design Is Inadequate

    Whole house fans the ideal home cooling solution, particularly where cross-ventilation design is inadequate. The whole of house fans should be positioned centrally, e.g. stairwell or hallways. Typically, a single fan unit is installed in a circulation space in the center of the house (hallway or stairwell) to draw cooler outside air into the buildingRead the Rest →

  3. 8 Benefits of a Whole House Fan To Reduce House Temperature

    As the name suggests, a whole house fan can greatly reduce the temperature in an entire house. However, the model and make of the fan must be suitable for the house and its size to be effective. A whole house fan is installed in the ceiling of the upper level of a house, so thatRead the Rest →