A Whole House Fan Company

Modern, Quiet & Energy Efficient
Whole House Fans
Call Today (877) 267-3205

CA Energy Commissions finds Quiet Cool Manufacturer In Violation

A level playing field is described as “a situation in which everyone has a fair and equal chance of succeeding.”

A recent investigation by the CA Energy Commission (CEC) confirmed that one of our competitors (QC Manufacturing the manufacturer of Quiet Cool Fans) was not abiding by this rule.

We recently learned that the CEC has entered into a settlement agreement with QC Manufacturing for “stating greater air flow and air flow efficiency data than could be verified by the Commission’s testing laboratory, in violation of sections 1606(a)(3)(E)(l) and 1608.” As part of the settlement agreement QC Manufacturing must pay $205,000 to the California Energy Commission and notify customers who purchased QC whole house fans prior to July l 8, 20 I 6, to address any concerns they might have with the air flow rate and air flow efficiency of their fans.

Since there are no Federal standards other than truth in advertising laws to specifically keep people in our industry honest, we are grateful to the CA Energy Commission for ensuring that customer receive what they paid for.

We would like to thank our customers for trusting in us and we look forward to providing you with our ultra quiet, highly reliable and energy efficient whole house fans.

Click here to view the actual settlement agreement.


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